NFL Power Rankings Week 4
Power Ranking - The differential in two teams rankings can be equated to a neutral site spread. Use it as a guide and do not make blind bets soley on this ranking.
SOS - Strength Of Schedule
Defense Rating - Number of points a team is expected to give up against an average team
Offense Rating - Number of points a team is expected to score against an average team
Offensive Rushing - Total yards above or below gained against the average their opponent gives up on the ground
Offensive Passing - Total yards above or below gained against the average their opponent gives up in the air
Defensive Rushing - Total yards above or below allowed against the average their opponent gains on the ground
Defensive Passing - Total yards above or below allowed against the average their opponent gains in the air
Off Passing - Def Passing - This combines the passing numbers for each team offensively and defensively. The higher the number the better it is to target that team in game stacks.